Developer API documentation

Srt Cleaner

This endpoint is the API version of the Srt Cleaner tool.

Request body

Field Type Required Description
subtitle File Required The subtitle file
stripCurly Boolean Remove everything between curly brackets { }
stripSquare Boolean Remove everything between square brackets [ ]
stripParentheses Boolean Remove everything between parentheses ( )
stripSpeakerLabels Boolean Remove speaker labels
stripCuesWithMusicNote Boolean Remove cues containing a music note (♪)
stripTextBetweenAsterisks Boolean Remove everything between asterisks * ... *
stripTextBetweenHashtags Boolean Remove everything between hashtags # ... #
fixUppercaseCues Boolean Change uppercase text to lowercase
removeUppercaseSDH Boolean Remove SDH
removeWatermarks Boolean Remove watermarks
removeFormatting Boolean Remove text formatting
Boolean Don't remove italic styling <i></i> (note: removeFormatting must be true for this option to have effect)
removeFormattingKeepBold Boolean Don't remove bold styling <b></b> (note: removeFormatting must be true for this option to have effect)
removeFormattingKeepFont Boolean Don't remove fonts or colored text <font></font> (note: removeFormatting must be true for this option to have effect)
Boolean Remove everything else between angle brackets (note: removeFormatting must be true for this option to have effect)
removeLineBreaks Boolean Remove all line breaks
mergeCuesWithSameText Boolean Merge cues with the same text

Example responses

    errors: null,
    download_url: ""

Or, when a validation error occurs:

    errors: [
        "The subtitle field is required."
    download_url: null